I feel like i don't want to wake up and just stay on bed. Now starting to feel bit tired, its been 8 days on my vacation, hell of fun is how i describe it !
I woke up because i heard the swimming pool cleaned, and someone swim after that...
Last night we swim until almost 10 pm ! just having fun hehe because its hot too and feels good in the water with stars above.. quite romantic too. From the restaurant we could hear someone sing, laughs music, etc.
I don't want to woke up but i feel hungry. So, dragging our self to the restaurant we had breakfast with pan cake with hot tea/coffee. I like Ubud breakfast much better...
Peter ask what to do today, i said clearly "WE snorkeling" and he seemed not really agree with the idea. Until we finish breakfast we haven't decide what to do (well.. i did already decide). Sit by the swimming pool, i ask again for snorkeling, Peter just didn't say anything. I ask the shop owner in front of the Hotel for a snorkeling trip and she said that would cost us Rp 40,000,- per hour per person. And then i ask what about 2 hours? she said that would be Rp 100,000,- i said i'll come again to pick my friend.
I went back and explain to Peter that lying down next to the pool on the pool bench. And then i realize he's not listening me !! and he sleep ! aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww !!!!
So i think okay, i'll do this my self, he could sleep here, and i went snorkeling by my self ! but when i went to the room he suddenly wake up ! (grrrrr!)
Peter then finally decide to join the snorkeling trip, but he said Rp 100,000,- too expensive because the boat only took us to one snorkeling point and just wait for us. Okay he made his point.. he is right... Peter suggest to find other boat with lower price.
But as when we leave the hostel, the boat owner already at the gate and calling us (oppss!) we try to pretend we don't hear but the wife is running to us. So i stop and said we want lower price, we want Rp 100,000,- for two hours for two person. And i add.. i pay this by my self too, so Peter not paying for me.. and i ask her not to give me expat price just because i am with one of them...and then she said okay.. (hehehe).
The husband show us the fin and the mask. Peter fin fits perfectly.. mine a llitle bit too small ! but not really matter i think... I also request for a safety jacket, for precautions.. then i decide to wear it. Its indonesia.. hehe you should prepare for everything hehehehe... I also don't feel like i want to really swimming.. just want to "float" and look down under.
So we went to the boat.. its a beautiful day, sky are blue clear, the sun shine, no wave and no wind.. its perfect for snorkeling !The boat that we use is quite different then the boat that we had in Jambi (yeah.. haha for sure) its small but its "deep".
The boat owner said he will take us the the snorkeling site which is 15 minutes from our beach. When we arrive there several boats with tourist heading that way, and when were finally there theres more tourist doing snorkels. I could see the snorkels and their head over the water. I am so excited !!!
Our boat just perfect because it had stairs to go to water... i short of worry before i see the stair because i think i could climb up the boat after jumping to water because its so high ! But then theres ladder.. hehe i am cool !
We start to snorkel at 8.30 am. Peter down first.. me.. still struggling with my life jacket (stupid...stupid..stupid !!). After finally find out which rope goes where and wich flip goes to what direction, i finally join Peter.
More fish.. bunch of small fish with different colors. Ohhh this is soooo what i want !
We see something new.. well at least i thought i am the only person who notic ethe "BLUE STAR FISH" yesss its blue not red like i ever saw in Thailand !
Fishes is more in here, but most of them are same.... i see NEMO or the clown fish too.
I feel relax to see lots of fish.. and garbage like plastic wrapper on the bottom of the sea.. can't stop thinking how stupid Indonesian could be (i am indonesian that feel shame of my self). The plastic wrapper could cause the reef die and not colorful again.
I see reef shape like brain too.. hmmm...
We ask to the boat owner before we jump off.. do they find shark here (Peter ask). And he said yes.. sometimes but not big (i imagine big white sjark with razor sharp teeth..oohhh no) and he laugh and said its only on certain months the shark went here... and its not the time we were snorkel (fiuhhhh hehehe).
The fish in Bali is.. "shy".. hehe not like fish in Andaman Sea, they will come close to you.. hehehe.. but these fish just swim and short of wondering, why were following them !
Almost 2 hours we swim, and then suddenly i feel something "bite" my feet !!!!
And then my arms, and my neck. I call Peter and said something bite me, and leave small red itchy marks. Peter look down and he said theres plenty of baby jelly fish near where i swim !!
I look down and i did see one of them ... euuuhhhhh !!
We swim to the deeper area, no jelly fish.. but the wave quite big that i swallow some of the sea water (yuck). The reef is more beautiful, but its not that crystal clear there. I see more tourist come and go, and it does bit crowded cause i crash with other people twice.
I get tired and swim back to the boat, Peter still swim around the boat. He said the jelly fish sting his lips, hahaha ! poor guy ! hehehehehe....
We went back to the beach .. and i feel my tummy not too good, i think because of the sea water that i swallow, and my tummy is hungry....
We went back to hotel and clean our self, and then went to the warung to have our lunch.
Oh i am happy today.. even though theres some minor attack.. and its not from a shark hahahaha !
Pindahan Tulisan Bahasa Indonesia
Day 8 :The attack of Lovina baby jelly fish !
Day 7: Lovina (Love Indonesia)
Night before.....
I need beach.. i love beach.. never see beach for past 8 months. Peter live next to the beach.. no he not fond of water that much (uuughhhh !!)
I said i want to go to Amed.. well it doe have to made long turn to go to Amed and the price could cost is about Rp 200,000 per person. I want to stay and snorkel and just sit next to beach.
I know its going to be hot (Peter don't like it). He short of said its not a very good idea...
I sleep.
Next morning (this morning), i woke up.. Lovina is the next destination. First he said he don't really like the idea (again !), because he ever went there and its not that much to see !
I said there's dolphins.. and i could snorkel.. we could ride motorcycle around again.. i don't like crowded beach like in Kuta. And i want beach (INSIST!).
Peter said okay... (hahaha!).
We do a short walk again this morning to directions that we never pass before, but not the far one like yesterday. We went to a temple inside the park. But because theres several people praying we don't think its a good idea to go inside the temple.
We went to the bust station at 1 pm, and enjoy the ride for like 2 hours with lots of chips from the market.
I feel quite sad had to leave Bedugul honestly. Its very romantic place, quiet and i like the fresh air, and the view.. the best ! with mountains and lake and rice fields and trees ! awesome !
The road to Lovina from Bedugul is speachless... beautifull.. the road is small and lots of curves, up and downs.. its short of remind me of the road to Kerinci mountain.
We enjoy the ride listening to my cellphone mp3, and see lots of pretty scenery. I just think once again, i should go back here someday !
We arrive at Lovina perama bus station nearly 3 pm. We don't know where to go. When we arrive the bus driver said that we have one free lunch. So we eat our lunch. Not really enjoy it because there's plenty people offering accommodation while we chew our lunch. Well.. Peter seemed have no problem with that... hehe i like to see when he eat.. really enjoy it !
This one guy offer a hotel, with swimming pool and very next to the beach. Its seemed very nice hotel. I look at Peter eyes and give sign (what do you think?) and he short of wisper in Indonesia (its cheap, and seemed nice). He ask for the brochure. A guy from our table said the hotel does look nice. Its 2 km from Lovina beach.
I said to Peter its okay, Lovina would be looks like poppies but less crowded, and he said up to me. So we said we want to see. So the guy with his friend get our bags and their motorcycle.
Peter goes first with that guy friend, and i ride with another motorcycle.
I amazed with the pool. Not so big.. but the atmosphere so relax ! the room not so small.. but yes.. they do tell lies said it could be lower than Rp 100,000,- (they said could haggle until Rp 75.000,-) but once again.. its okay.. i could stay here for months !!
After check in we went for short walk around the hotel. We find internet cafe and check our mails. After that we take a rest and have dinner in one of the small warung (stall) infront of the hotel. Hotel foods quite expensive.. we already guess it.
That night finally i could eat something with Bali taste. I eat mixed seafood that cooked inside banana leaf with balinese seasoning and white rice. While Peter had tuna cooked the same way like my food. Its yummy ! And the price is fairly cheap too ! and clean !
After dinner we decide to take a swim at our hotel swimming pool. Enough to burn some of our energy that lefted..
ps.. sorry for the feet pictures it was mine ! (hehehe)
Day 6: Bedugul (Market-Botanical Garden)
Last night is cold !! Thanks God we ask for extra blanket yesterday from the room boy !
But i like it, i wake up very early at 5.30 am. See sunrise from window, the fog still softly down from mountains. The lake view is amazing. I just sat in front of window for few minutes. Peter seemed still sleeping.
Last night we walk quite far away. I wont mind because the weather is good, and its quite cold. Walking in Bedugul street not that nice because the street had no path for pedestrian. So its quite risky to walk at night next to a street that quite busy with big trucks and cars passes away with high speed. And its worse because it doesn't have street light !
I could see the Ulun Watu temple floating on the lake at night, stars are amazing, no clouds !
We eat in small "warung", actually we ask them to wrap our dinner cause were planning to eat it later we're too full with Peter b-day cake yesterday, also lots of strawberries ! Peter said his parent have strawberries too on their backyard. We just drink coffee and tea at the warung.
We eat in front of our room porch, looking to the lake... its dark but you still could see the lake (oh i wont forget it !). Dinner is good, we talk a lot. I wear my scarf and jacket, its quite cold. And no mosquitoes (horray !!). I eat nasi goreng for Rp 8000,- its nice. Peter had his "nasi campur" with meat. But we think the first nasi campur that we eat on the stall next to the street is the best, and cheap !! and its all halal cause i could see there's plenty moslem at Bedugul.
We agree this is the best place that we went beside Ubud. Just sit infront of the porch and see lake and feel the wind.. so mind freshing !
I went back to bed again until breakfast time. But i feel happy because i could see the sun rise in Bedugul... its as amazing as i thought that i can't stop smiling. Sun rise in here is different than any other place. And plus.. i don't know when will i see it again !
Today after breakfast we went to Botanical garden. Its passing the market, so we get another pack of strawberries for snack. Botanical garden is HUGE !
Peter said it was nothing to compare with the one in Ubud. The ticket for each of us is Rp 7000,- The park was build at 1959 and first its only for coniferous plant and the size of the park "only" 50 hectare's area, but now its grow to 157,5 hectare's. The plants also more various, also the "animals" (like insect or small animals) . This park partner with Indonesia Government research institution (LIPI). This park placed in mountains area with height 1250-1450 meter above the sea level become the vegetation of east indonesia tropical plants (haha its on the map that they gave us !).
Not long from the entrance i read the map that they gave us.... there's guest house. Peter said we should look up for the guest house cause he really like this park.
One of the guest house room price is Rp 100,000,- and the other is Rp 125,000,- so we ask the entrance officer about the guest house, and she call someone and ask us to wait at the guest house. We see the room is so small ! the Rp125.000 had shared living room with TV and all of the room had shared bathroom outside. And i said to Peter.. no way i want to stay there because the bathroom is at outside the room and shared !
Then we ask about the other "VIP" guest house and they said its a very new place. So we walk to the new bulding at the corner of the park.The room is amazing ! its all brand new, we're the first to stay in the room, there's only 4 rooms that ready to use. The bedding all furniture are brand new ! hahaha !
The room are Rp. 300,000,- per night. And we like it !
We went back to Ashram to collect our things. We only had less than 20 minutes to pack our things and check out ! we're in rush ! we're check out right in time. We have lunch on the first warung that we saw. The food still as good as we eat the very first time, and cheap. With huge luggage we walk back to Kebun Raya Bali to check in.
This time when we said we want to check in to the guest house we don't have to pay the entrance fee again. After check in and got our room key we get rest a while, Peter need to wash his cloths, and i fall a sleep ! hahaha !
We eat our lunch and went to have "short walk" (thats the first intention) around the garden. Its was 2.30 pm. The park is huge !
You could feel the huge difference between the air in here with Ubud and Kuta. And walk within this trees, and green bushes are amazing. The park also so clean !
Day 5: Ubud-Bedugul (Peter b-day !)
At night before i went to the hostel owner when Peter had shower. I ask them where i could find a bakery very near here. They ask the occasion, and i explain its Peter b-day tomorrow and i had no time to get anything for him except this b-day cake. He told me over and over he dislike celebrating birthday party. But for me.. i always like surprise.. good one of course !
The son seemed really excited, he said he will get it for me. I gave him some money and told him he have to put that on fridge so i could give Peter early b-day surprise at breakfast.
I don't know what time he will get the cake, but suddenly Peter want a bottle of beer and he explain, he always celebrate the b-day at night before the b-day because he said his b-day exactly at holidays that celebrated in Australia with big parade etc.
Got really jumpy every time he check the fridge that i offer him to check the beer my self !!
But i didn't see the cake until we went to sleep. I start to worry !
And this morning, aaaaawwwwww ! i wake up late AGAIN !! when i went for breakfast i see the son owner and ask, he said the cake still at the bakery (what?!!). And he said after breakfast he will get it for me.
Peter doesn't know about this, so i smile every time i see his face, and giggle ! (i can't really hide things...)
Right before we check out, i got the cake.
Peter ask what is in the box.. and i said.. its surprise for you. Its a birthday cake !
I am afraid he get disappointed. Or he don't like celebrate b-day as he said.. i can't really know what he feels that time.
As we walk to the junction where we should wait for the shuttle bus, he ask about the cakes, and if we could peep the cake.. hahah we did.. and its chocolate cake.. its smell yummy. And its not blackforrest as i told the owner son not to.. good ! because i think.. Peter work in bakery, he must taste or made good blackforrest.. so lets made something common but original tho...
When i see his eyes.. i see he is quite surprise.. not surprise but quite not really expect i will give him the cake, and i like it !
We get to shuttle bus and went to perama. We leave Ubud at 11 am.
The trip to Bedugul is very nice. We see lots of beautiful scenery. And also few durian vendors next to street.
The bus stop in a hostel next to the market. Me and Peter very excited to see the market, lots of strawberries !!
We had to walk about 200 meters to the hostel that i want to stay, Ashram. The room price is Rp 125.000,- per night including breakfast and the view from the rooms is amazing !! We're taking the "Murai" Rooms, on the top of the hill. But have to remind people that allergies with stairs better not to take this room. Its hell of stairs !! (but for me its much worthed !)
Its facing Bedugul lake and from the room you could see the Uluwatu temple (click image and zoom in !).
We went to market after get rest for a while. The market pretty small.. they sold mostly fruits and souvenirs. Peter really interested in buying some vanillas to mix with his bali coffee. But after haggling the price still bit too expensive. We buy lots of strawberries and few fruits. We also got our self a durian with price Rp 15. 000,- finally my first durian in Bali ! we also get the marquissa and several chips from cassava.
We decide to eat it on the small hut next to the lake while the sun is set. Several guys still sitting patiently fishing infront of the lake.
So we sit and enjoy the birthday cake with strawberries that we bought from market... it does not feels really like holiday that i wanted ! its a good day too !
Bali day 4: Ubud-Motorcycle Ride in Rain
Today we're planning to go to places around Ubud with motorcycle.
After lunch we ask the hostel owner if he had motorcycle that we could rent. His son then lead us to a shop not far from the hostel. We got a Suzuki Spin (matic) with price Rp 50.000,- (expensive!!) we had to fill the tank with our own (fuel not incld.)
First thing first, we're planning to go to Taman Ayun Mengwi.
After fully confidence around Ubud with not so very comfortable to ride motorcycle, we are perfectly lost... (woman can't read direction... oh yeah right !). Thanks to Bali government once again for not taking serious about the ROAD SIGN ! uggghh ! This province had so many income from tourism i just can't understand why they can't invest on such things as road sign ! so it made every tourist easy to access to places of interest ! its so anoyying !
We seemed take wrong turn and then we decide just to ride motorcycle around Ubud.. where ever the road lead us. Peter want to see the rice field and villages around Ubud.
So we ride out town Ubud, and see lots of rice field... its very beautiful. I don't even know the place name.. we just ride and ride.. the street goes up into hilly area. Theres this small road that said it goes to Ubud botanical garden (but we never really made it there), we did pass the botanical garden, but Peter said its not as big as the one at Bedugul, so we skip it, theres rice field everywhere, and it was beautiful with hills area on the back ground. We ride slower (below 40kmph). Enjoying the view. Peter said he went to the botanical garden days before i arrive in Bali and he said he don't really like the botanical garden because they charge expensive and its not that much to see there. Then i said.. okay.. we won't go there.
But then as the road get higher, i see the sky getting dark, and its almost raining !
And less then 15 minutes after that its raining !
We stop in a shop next to street. Talk and talk about Iraq war, G.W Bush, reason why Australia sent their troops, and about John Howard, etc. (not vacation "material" for sure). I don't even remember why we start to talk about war things hehehe... But this what i like with Peter we are up to talk about most of things ! (and i could use silly comment as as joke without afraid heard so stupid).
We ride again, i see a lot of shops that sold carving and pretty pretty things like painting, some cute kite, and a lot of colorful art like lamps and furnitures, bags, bed sheet, mosquito net with unique design.. we only pass the shops because i thought we will pass it on the way back(silly thought!! and quite regret it cause its really nice small shops) and suddenly... we already there at the famous street where the view often become pre-wedding pictures background !!! This rice terrace place name Tegalalang. The view is amazing !!
We stop to have tea and coffee. Tourist comes, taking pictures and go. I feel so good because i could sit for a while, not just take a snap shoot, not even "feel" the place and leave in hurry... thats not how you enjoy your holidays... why need to be rush ?? (remind me of my office routinity !!)
We sit there like 20 minutes, just enjoy tea and see the view. I feel my tired eyes so fresh see the green view. The air feels great too as its not hot and quite humid because its a bit raining. We talk and just enjoy our tea/coffee here. The tea price is not expensive, if you included to the "view" package which is Rp 4000,- The vendors at street are VERY aggressive. They remind me of attacking bee (scary thought !) one of tourist could crowded by 5-6 vendors that push their things on the touris face, put some batik on their shoulder, tied their wrist with hand made bracelet made from leather and ask them to pay (sigh). This is not the way to attract tourist, i am not impressive at all. We were lucky because were sit on the tea shop, so no vendors and we could rest and talk (and flirt haha !) with none disturb us.
When i open the map, then i see we could continue to Istana Tampak Siring (Tampak Siring Palace). Its a famous palace in Bali, and from the backpacker mailing i heard lots of people said its very beautiful. I heard they said it was not open for public, but then they forget to write that we cant even go further than the parking lot !!!!!
We don't know that as we ride about 15 kms with pouring rain ! i feel so cold, as i could see my fingers turn to blue. Peter said we should stop, and we stood in front of an art shop for few minutes until the rain not so hard.
After knowing that we can't even see the palace, i feel quite dissapointed, but not for so long as i know theres another place to see. Next we headed to Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave).
Not far from the palace i stop for asking direction, theres several guys with motorcycle said just follow one of them as he is heading that way (he is a policeman as their friend say). We try to catch him but he ride to fast ! and its raining !
Its not that safe to ride motorcycle especially matic in high speed and heavy rain. My glasses soon get blurry and can't really see a head, Peter give me sign to stop again.
I don't know why its raining again and again.. but then i just find out that maybe where we heading is short of following the rain cloud ! so we ride and it will be raining, we stop.. the rain will stop too ! and when we ride it will be raining again !
I just feel funny to see both of us soaked in our wet dress.. well.. Peter not really as wet as i am because he sit on the back. He is worried about my camera, thats why we stop. I feel funny cause i remember the India movie, and feels like were on an India movie set with lots of water, rain..and rain !
We do several stopping before we finally arrive at the Elephant Cave. One of the shop owner said its very romantic because we ride in rain (rolling my eyes), Peter don't know what she's saying because she talk in Indonesia, hahaha... not that romantic because were in vacation and we could catch flu !! but its does a little bit funny for me for some reason.
As soon as we arrive in Goa Gajah, i decide to buy new shirt, my dress really soaked !Peter said he is okay, so i get my self a new shirt Rp 25.000,- its ok quality, i don't have much choice tho.
We went to the ticket both, once again, i ask if Peter could charged as local, and they said okay, so each of us charged Rp 7.500,-. We had to wear sarong because we only use short. And this cave is a sacred place that still used by Balinese to pray and several ceremony still held in here.
We enter the cave area and see this:And the guard said this water believe could made you look younger (like forever young things ?), he said we should wash our face 7 times (i don't know why, its cleaner for 7 times..errhh?) so Peter do it, and then me, the rock is quite slippery so watch your step !
The water is feel fresh and a little bit cold. Theres another spring with similar 3 females statue next to this one but it was closed. Maybe because it was used for ceremony purpose.
After taking pictures, a young guy approach me and explain about the spring and the cave, i assume he must be a tourist guide. He speak with me in english, and i let him do it. After a while i speak with my indonesia, he quite surprise he said he thought i am not Indonesian (not a hot news). He then show us around the cave area. His name is I made Griya. Seemed Peter could get along with him (smile) he talk with Peter, and i leave them (because they seemed too serious) to see the ceremony that held by a family.
When they back again we take picture in front of the cave entrance and then went inside the Elephant cave.

Then we went outside and see other temples near the spring. Theres old trees, it age like hundreds, huge tall tree. Made then explain that they had to dig this area to find the cave and the rest of temples. This temples and area surround is actually a meditation area that stretches until 15 km's area consist of woods and few waterfalls.
We visit a Buddhis temple, which incredibly on the cave area, so it means they were build side by side, Hindu's and Buddha's temple. Made explain Hindu and Buddha are like brothers, the belief is almost the same. And balinese respect other beliefs... hmmmm... nice...

On the way to the Buddhis temple i see a huge rock that shaped like head of statue, Made then explain that statue is falling from top of hills ahead us because of earthquake.
On the temple he also explain, theres twin ganesha statue there before, but someone stole the other "complete" ganesha and left one that seemed being damaged by time. The ganesha statue that i see have less shape with ganesha that i know, the face is broken also some part of statue.
I feel so angry because .. that person so irresponsible stealing things. The thing is not only a statue its symbolize one of Gods and a sacred one ! you can't sold sacred items ! its very low.
We then walk to a rice field to the exit.

So after cleaning our self we went to Perama and get ticket to Bedugul for Rp 40.000 each, they will pick us up at 9 am.
Bali Day 3: Ubud-Monkey Forrest-Town
This morning i wake up a little bit late. The "cold" weather made me want to sleep longer. Its been raining last night so, the temperature is cooling down, and the air just very different. But i am in Bali... heheh there's things to see here !
The break fast is good, we have banana waffle, hot tea, and fruits. I am full.
Today we plan to visit the monkey forest. We walk from the hostel to the monkey forest . Ubud is not that very big town. You could walk almost everywhere.
As we walk through, i see lots of shops that sold beautiful art products such as carvings and paintings. Batu bulan one of place near Ubud also well known with the traditional dances like barong dance or kecak, etc. Even at night if you walk around the city, you will hear balinese music heard from anywhere. Its a very nice place. Weather not as hot as in Kuta for sure.
Ubud well known not only because the nature but also because people in here mostly a great artist. You could find so many lovely paining and carvings.
But its expensive for me hehehehe....
The monkey forest open at 7.30 am. We went there nearly at 8.30 am. The ticket is Rp 15.000,-/person.
First impression, its just like any other forest, but its full of monkeys since the entrance gate !
But the monkeys are quite nice, not really aggressive. We visit the monkey pools and watch monkeys swim there.. they were very funny ! swim, jump, dive (yes they could dive !!). Made visitors laugh.
Theres several monkey watchers (local balinese) to watch the monkeys if they disturb visitors.
Theres one guy that been climbed by the wet monkey, but he just laugh even when the monkey is soaked wet ! they are funny.. hehe but if its me.. hahaha.. no way !
The monkey forest is really kind of green, is beautiful we went to one of the temple inside the forest too. But then we just look from the outside of the gate only (call that "peek").
Also Peter said there's a waterfall down the forest, but when we went there the stairs short of slippery and theres no hand rails, quite dangerous, and when we almost reach the waterfalls seemed the stairs been collapse and we can't continue our adventure and went back up.
We also see other stairs that lead us down to a pretty pound filled with koi fish (japanese gold fish ?). I see lots of coins on the bottom of the pound ... i think its a wishing pound. Too bad i don't have any coins to toss at the pound... so i just make a free wish hahahaha ! i wish i could come back to Bali again !
Theres a stairs and path after the pools so we walk there and see theres small river (kali ?) the water is fairly clear. But i could see there's garbage there. Its just too bad.... I think its the same problem anywhere.. people just throw their garbage into the river. Shame..
Its really nice just to sit on the forest, we don't even realize its already 12, time for lunch. So we headed back to town, walk.
We stop for internet on the way back to hostel. After 45 min look up our mails and replying few mails we went for lunch.
The price for food in Ubud not so bad too. I eat lunch that cost me only Rp. 12.000,- including drink. I think Ubud is very nice to stay in a very long time. I like it !
Bali Day 2 (Kuta-Uluwatu-Ubud)
We plan to rent a motorcycle today, also check out and get a ride to Ubud today.
Last night we short of decide we don't really like Kuta, its too crowded and too hot. It is very touristy that all you could see is foreigner and aggressive vendors try to sell their stuff. Its just not a place for relax, unless if you like party, and crowded place... then you will like Kuta.
So we went to front desk and check out. Then we rent a motorcycle from guesthouse for Rp 50.000,- for Honda Karisma (usualy for Rp 40.000). The address is at Jl Benesari Poppies lane II cellphone 08123917608. There's plenty of motorcycle rentals along poppies.. you had many choice from regular to automatic/scooter. And of course you could haggle the price down.
After breakfast and bath we put our luggage at front desk... and here comes trouble. I lost my driving license both for car and motorcycle, and Peter say he doesn't have international driving license. Hehehehe.. not good thing to do. I told the owner what happened, and i did ride motorcycle since i was like 13. He believe that.
But then i think.. he's not really used to ride motorcycle, and i do. Beside that.. police will notice a bule rider faster than a young innocent super cute chick (HAHAHAHA!) that ride like hell.. they wont bother that.. could be bad if he ride in front. So.. i'll drive i'll take in charge. And that seemed not bother him that much either (i thought he would tho). So, without proper papers we ride the motorcycle around Kuta (sorry for not being a good citizen..)
Here we are riding motorcycle around Kuta... the plan is.. to go to Jimbaran, Nusa dua, and to Uluwatu. We ride for like 30 mins and realize we are still in Kuta !!!!! ugghhh ! we lost !
Decide to see map and ask questions as many as i can to people on street, motorcycle riders, and some old guys... i ask and ask and ask..
I just can't believe there are less road sign in Bali rather than in my jungle city back then in Sumatra !! no sign where to turn, no sign that point the road goes to where about... its all very confusing !!
As one of big city in INDONESIA i think BALI should be shame of them self for not having so many what we call road sign ! and oh gossshhh the street so small to compare to wide street back then in my city !
No way i wont see anything here... return with empty hand, just lost around kuta (its pathetic !)
..errrhhh.. Peter seemed not really care, i think its because he already went to Bali for several times tho. But i am glad to get lost with someone hahaha !
We ride to bigger road, and theres lots big trucks and more cars. Its scared me a bit, i ask him if its okay if we go fast.. he just nod ! so i went 80kms/hrs !! never feel this happy..hehe. It is fun to ride motorcycle in Bali. Traffic little bit confusing but its not that dangerous as in Phuket for sure.
I bought three sea shells necklace for Rp 30,000,- quite expensive !! maybe because i am with Peter so they charge me more (they might expect him pay for me (^_^)! )
We then had some rujak (fresh fruit salad with peanuts sauce) for Rp 2000 for each of us near the beach. Ohhh its so sour... but its good not too spicy.. not bad ! I thought Peter wont go for spicy food, but he seemed okay.. you could ask for sweet sauce if you like to.
After rujak and a cup of coffee we decide to continue our motorcycle ride. We did a turn on the cottage to see more buildings and good parks and ten we went out side. Back to big busy road, asking the security guard for our next direction.. we headed to Garuda Wisnu Kencana.

We go to Garuda Wisnu Kencana, and the entrance fee is Rp 15.000,- and for Peter he suppose to pay Rp 30,000,- i ask the security guy why is different.. they said because he's not "local" and then after talk and talk.. Peter only pay for local fee (hehehehe...). Thank you !

When we went to the huge bird stone carving (Garuda perhaps?) statue we saw there's wedding party.. or music concert must be really rich people who could married here.. but its beautiful.. hmmmm.. romantic.

I like to sit here for a while since we could heard balinese music on the background.. even the weather is so hot.. its windy.. nice..nice..nice.. i like the view.. so we just sit and enjoy the view for a while.
Then we go down stairs closer to the garuda carving just find out that the statue actually not made of rock it made of bronze (i really thought it was made by solid carved rock !!). Well... now i know the truth hehehe...
We feel so starve and its already 12-mid day, so we decide to have our lunch at the canteen where we could see some girls dancing. I eat batagor (fish meatballs and tofu with peanuts and chilli dressing) while Peter had gado-gado. I have the "es cendol" which worth the try, its really nice ! its indonesia traditional drink, taste sweet, good to drink after you've been long under the sun. Its not bad at all ! We watch the girls dancing with the barong its really good. I would love to stay here bit longer but we had other places to see.. hmm...

After eat our lunch we ride motorcycle again for like hours.. heading to Pura Uluwatu. This pura (temple) on the very bottom of Bali island. This Pura name meaning in balinese is the meeting between the sea and the land. This is where Bali island meet the big huge ocean. I thought we were lost again so lots of asking on the way there because its only small road with high grass and tree next to it, and its just long straight road, with less traffic coming toward us... but then after asking we didn't lost again and we finally saw the name of the temple, in a small road with a guy stand on street for ticketing, the price for each of us is Rp 7000,-

Its just worth the effort, the riding the motorcycle in the sun, and i feel so tired, but still happy ! the temple is amazing. The wave hitting the bottom of the rock its just like dream that i ever had ! just beautiful. So quiet ... like i feel peace here... it must be really good to see sunrise here..i think several people say its the best spot for sunrise. The temple it self full of monkeys too .. so be aware with your belongings.
After 3.30 pm (i am not so sure) we headed back to Kuta, high speed. We're planning to go to Ubud but we don't know what the latest shuttle bus that went there. Peter said there will be bus from Denpasar to Ubud, we just need to go to Denpasar.
When we finally arrive at our hostel i think it was at 5 pm the hostel said the last shuttle bus to Ubud was at 1 pm with PERAMA bus tour, and they don't know if there's any other transport else than renting a car.
Then we think we might could find transport along poppies lane, so we walk down the lane and see if the travel agent still have buses.
They're not of course. Lots of tourist in Bali already complain about this lack of transportation in Bali.. while in Jogja they already had TransJogja like in Jakarta. And the buses and the road facility.. they were not as good as i thought !! the road in Bali mostly as small as the street on my neighborhood !! only like 3 meters wide. But yes there's less hole or patches along the road. But its really tiny whiny and not much road sign about direction, distance and about traffic.
So i think its right when people said, be aware if you drive in Bali for the very first time !!
We then decide to rent a car because its already 5.17 pm and we're running out of choices. We rent a car from Dana Yoga Tourist service in poppies lane II (Mr Sugi-08124629245). From Kuta to Ubud they gave me the price of Rp 255,000,00 . I don't know the exact distance between Kuta and Ubud but i try to haggle the price down and i did and it stop at price Rp 150,000,- for both of us. I think its fairly enough since if we went with shuttle bus both of us will cost likely Rp 80,000,- well..... sure it could be lower if we had more time to look up tho. But its worthed, because we have this very nice mini bus, with cold airc ond, and the way the driver drive is really nice and smooth.
We arrive in Ubud nearly 6.45pm. I feel like fall a sleep during the trip, so sleepy... and starving, but still had to look up the bungalow that Peter ever stay in. He said its a very reasonable price bungalow, and clean too. So the driver is kind enough to drive around and find the bungalow. The bungalow name is "Sulendra" the price is Rp 75.000 for two person per night including breakfast.
Not bad..... the room is clean and have hot water. I am so tired (i think both of us are tired!) and starving. So we clean our self and then went out to find something to eat for dinner.
I like Ubud because its not so hot and the air feel so fresh ! i can't wait to see what Ubud looks like in the daylight !!